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The Township of Scugog is a vibrant community with many exciting and inclusive events taking place throughout the year!

Please visit the Events Calendar for more information about public events. Community members are welcome to add their own Scugog area events to the calendar. A login is required and all events are subject to approval. 

The Township of Scugog hosts several annual events during the year, more information is below:

Canoe the Nonquon is an annual canoe race through the Nonquon River and Lake Scugog. This event is organized by Scugog Shores Museum Village and is held on the first weekend of June. Canoe the Nonquon has been occurring annually for more than 50 years!

Visit Canada Day for more information.

Pitch-In Week is celebrated in the third week of April within the Township of Scugog. 

Did you know?

PITCH-IN Week began in 1967 with a handful of concerned citizens picking up harmful debris along the shores of Vancouver Island. In 2019 over 850,000 people committed to participating in their local neighbourhoods from St. John’s, Newfoundland to Port Alice, British Columbia, and collectively removed over 5.65 million pounds of litter!

During PITCH-IN Week you can register your clean up, pick up supplies (while they last) and have staff collect your clean up garbage.  

To register your clean up please fill in this online form.  

Pitch In Week is now an active year long program with a focus surrounding Earth Day, volunteers take part in locally organized clean ups to support clean and #litterfree communities!

For more information check out the Pitch-In Week 2024 or contact the Public Works department at

The Township of Scugog and the Region of Durham are hosting the annual Compost Giveaway Event at the Scugog Community Recreation Centre Rear Parking Lot on Reach Street. 

Come get your free compost and make your garden happy.  Four (4) container limit per vehicle.  Bring a shovel and containers. Masks required.

Green bins, blue boxes and backyard composters will be available for sale.  Damaged blue boxes and green bins can also be exchanged at this event.

The 2024 event date is Saturday June 8, 2024.

Community Events

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