2022-2026 Council Term Board & Committee
The mandate of the Committee is to advise and assist Council and Township staff in the protection, enhancement, restoration and management of the local environment and to help ensure that the community is planned to provide for environmental sustainability;
To work with Council and Township staff to resolve environmental issues;
To link with Local, Provincial and National environmental organizations;
Provide guidance to Council regarding climate change adaption; and
Other areas of local concern as it relates to climate change and sustainability plans and policies.
For more information, see the ECCAC's Terms of Reference
Those interested in becoming a part of the Scugog Environmental and Climate Change Advisory Committee are invited to visit our main committees page to see a full listing of Township committees and from there you would complete the online application form or request the application in alternative accessible format.
For more information, please contact by email mail@scugog.ca or call the Corporate Services Department at 905-985-7346.