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Community Improvement Plan

A Community Improvement Plan (CIP) is a tool available to municipalities under Section 28 of the Planning Act. CIPs are living strategies that guide the revitalization of communities through programs, grants and incentives, addressing the reuse and restoration of lands, buildings and infrastructure, energy efficiency, growth management challenges and planning for rehabilitation, development and land use change in defined areas. To carry out CIPs, municipalities can establish grants, loans and other programs to encourage private sector investment in development and renovation projects which seek to improve areas in accordance with local goals and priorities. CIPs can be used to promote and attract tourism, business investments and economic development.

How can the CIP help business and property owners?

Private property owners and businesses can take advantage of the financial incentive programs contained in the CIPs to achieve a range of community improvement goals, such as improving property facades and redeveloping property.

On November 25, 2019, Council endorsed the Recommended Community Improvement Plan (CIP) for the Port Perry Employment Area and on May 30, 2022 passed By-law 28-22 adopting the Community Improvement Plan for the Port Perry Employment Area. 

Sierra Planning and Management were retained to prepare the CIP for the Port Perry Employment Area. The objective of this CIP is for the Township to offer various incentives and programs to the development community to:

  • stimulate public and private sector investment in the Port Perry Employment Area;
  • strengthen the Employment Area by attracting industries leading to increased competitiveness;
  • off-set the currently large residential tax base (85% residential to 15% non-residential assessment); and
  • contribute to the attraction, retention or development of a highly-skilled and knowledgeable local workforce.

The lands to which this CIP apply are outlined in the figure below. In addition, a landowner proposing to develop a hotel on appropriately designated commercial lands located within the Port Perry urban area or 1430 Highway 7A may also be eligible for assistance. 

Employment Area CIP Map

The CIP includes 3 programs, as follows:

Planning Application Fees and Building Permit Grant Program

This program is intended to offer property owners a reduction in applicable planning and building permit fees. Reduced planning and building permit fees may, in concert with other programs, help encourage new development efforts through reducing initial regulatory costs.  This grant may provide a maximum grant of $15,000 per property or up to 75% of eligible planning application and building permit fees, whichever is less for eligible projects.   

Development Charge (DC) Grant Program

Reduced development charges will help facilitate development and redevelopment efforts, and the Township will benefit through development which raises assessment and activity in the Employment Area. This grant program may provide a maximum of 100% reduction of the Development Charges levied by the Township for eligible projects.

Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland Grant Program

This grant program may provide up to a 100% reduction in cash in-lieu of parkland dedication fees for eligible projects.

Implementation Guidelines (2022)

Implementation Guidelines and Application package for the Employment Area CIP

On December 20, 2021, Council endorsed the Community Improvement Plan (CIP) for Downtown Port Perry. Staff are now working to establish the By-law that will outline the process and implement the CIP program. This By-law that will be presented to Council for review and consideration. Sierra Planning & Management were retained by the Township to prepare a CIP for Downtown Port Perry to promote the continued investment in the Downtown. Port Perry's Downtown is an historic downtown, tourist destination with beautiful streets and a great waterfront and vibrant commercial district. The key objective of this CIP is to preserve and enhance these characteristics by guiding and supporting future development and redevelopment within the Downtown through the establishment of programs, grants and financial incentives to stimulate community revitalization.

The CIP will help to support municipal revitalization objectives outlined in the Port Perry Downtown Development Strategy, Downtown Port Perry Heritage Conservation District Plan and the Scugog Official Plan and Zoning By-law 14-14.

The CIP study area is focused on the Main Central Area designation, which includes the historic commercial core and the Corridor Commercial designation along Highway 7A, as outlined in the figure below.

CIP Study Area

The recommended CIP identified 3 programs, as follows:

Commercial Property Improvement/Building Renovation Grant

Stream A - Facade and Signage Improvement - This program is proposed to offer up to 50% of eligible costs or a maximum grant of $10,000 per property, whichever is less for eligible projects. Project applications with under $500 in improvements will not be considered. Buildings identified as having heritage value would be eligible for an additional $5,000 in grant assistance. Installation of any new signage in accordance with the Township's Sign By-law, would only be eligible if part of a larger facade improvement project. 

Stream B - Accessibility Improvement - This program is proposed to offer up to 50% of eligible costs or a maximum grant of $5,000 per property, whichever is less for eligible projects.

Stream C - Energy Efficiency Retrofit - This program is proposed to offer up to 50% of eligible costs or a maximum grant of $7,500 per property, whichever is less for eligible projects.

Planning Fees and Building Permit Grant Program

This program  is intended to offer a grant towards applicable planning and building permit fees for new non-residential or new multi-unit residential development (with 3 or more units). Reduced planning and building permit fees may, in concert with other programs, help encourage new development efforts through reducing initial regulatory costs.  The planning fees grant is proposed to be up to 50% of planning application fees or a maximum grant of $2,000 per property, whichever is less for eligible projects. Building permit fees is proposed to be up to 50% of planning application fees or a maximum grant of $5,000 per property, whichever is less for eligible projects.  

Development Charge (DC) Deferral Program

The DC deferral program is proposed to be designed to provide assistance for significant (re)development of key sites by deferring the cost of development related to DCs. The deferral program is proposed to offer a deferral of 50% of the Township's portion of the DC on commercial development within the CIPA for up to a maximum of 18 months after building permit issuance for eligible projects. 

Public Consultation

Focus Group - January 22, 2020

The Township invited local businesses and property owners/managers to a focus group session to provide input on Downtown Port Perry's Community Improvement Plan. 

 Virtual Public Meeting - October 18, 2021 at 6:30pm

Keep checking this webpage to follow the progress of the project and to see how you can contribute to the development of the CIP by providing your feedback. 

Examples of other downtown CIP programs include:

For more information, please contact Valerie Hendry, Manager of Planning at the Township of Scugog at or give her a call at 905-985-7346 ext. 100.

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Township of Scugog
181 Perry Street
PO Box 780
Port Perry, ON L9L 1A7
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