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Strategic Plan

We are pleased to share that our new Scugog Corporate Strategic Plan has been finalized for the 2023 - 2026 Term of Council. The Corporate Strategic plan is an important document that guides Council and staff on the allocation of resources for projects and initiatives over the term of Council with a few over longer periods of time. 

Throughout the process of developing the Corporate Strategic Plan a key aspect for Council and the staff team leading this project has been to engage the community on each step of the plan. Thank you to the community, stakeholders, staff and everyone that shared input as the Strategic Plan was developed. 

Reports on the progress of the Strategic Plan will be developed annually to provide updates on the status of the goals and objectives in the plan.

Strategic Plan 2023 - 2026

Council and waterfront images with Vision, Mission and Value statements
Scugog images with Strategic Direction #1 Infrastructure and #2 Sustainability
Scugog images with Strategic Directions #3 Economic Development and Tourism, #4 Natural Environment, #5 Complete Community

Our Vision

Scugog will be a creative and complete community that respects our history and enhances our natural environment.

Our Mission

To create a progressive, sustainable, inclusive community through service excellence.

Our Values

As members of the Township Council and staff, we are: 

  • Accountable – we are honest, professional, open, transparent and responsible for informed decision-making.
  • Engaged – we are connected to the community, working together to create a better Township for everyone.
  • Responsive – we actively listen and are respectful of community inputs.
  • Creative – we actively respond and adapt to community needs to arrive at solutions that work for Scugog. 

Leverage and improve roads, transportation, facilities, equipment,
and other assets

  1. Invest in roads and related infrastructure to improve the overall
    condition and connectedness of roads and municipal servicing.
  2. Enhance recreation facilities both new and existing to continue
    providing recreation activities for all ages and abilities.
  3. Improve waterfront amenities to enrich waterfront experiences for
    residents and visitors.
  4. Enhance transportation options to create a more livable community for all ages and abilities.
  5. Proactively manage facilities, equipment, and assets with investments made in the right vehicles, assets and equipment at the right time to ensure the continuation of municipal services.

Improve sustainability through financial management, innovative funding, efficient and effective delivery of services.

  1. Formalize long-term financial planning to enhance informed decision-making for delivery of services, management of our assets and responses to major infrastructure projects, growth and legislative changes.
  2. Ensure the right service levels and mix of services are delivered effectively and efficiently.
  3. Manage Township properties by identifying and rationalizing the long-term needs of the township.
  4. Modernize technology and digital services in order to support customer service and efficient service delivery. 

Create, attract, and retain employment opportunities and promote

  1. Retain and expand businesses across Scugog enhancing the
    business environment.
  2. Work with partners to attract and support investment in new business and employment opportunities in Scugog.
  3. Promote tourism and attract people to Scugog to enhance the local economy.
  4. Develop ecotourism to enhance opportunities that protect and showcase the Township’s conservation and wildlife areas.
  5. Encourage partnerships and leverage resources to enhance public assets and deliver community events increasing Scugog’s vibrancy and vitality.

Protect, enhance, and restore the natural environment

  1. Improve water quality, aesthetics for Lake Scugog which will improve the health of Lake Scugog and recreational opportunities.
  2. Prepare the Township to respond to extreme weather events, climate change and climate emergencies.
  3. Maintain, expand and enhance parks, greenspace and trails providing increased opportunities for community members to enjoy the outdoors in a safe environment and promote a healthy lifestyle.
  4. Mitigate environmental impacts by managing them through appropriate consultation, legislation and action.

Strengthen our communities to be inclusive, healthy, safe, connected
and engaged

  1. Provide the community with accessible and inclusive services that are responsive and sustainable at all ages and stages.
  2. Create a vibrant, safe and healthy community enhancing the quality of life in Scugog.
  3. Engage and involve Scugog residents in enhancing life in the Township.
  4. Expand community and governmental partnerships.

Thank you for your input with the public survey and sessions on the draft Strategic Plan. Staff will bring forward a report in June 2023 to finalize the Strategic Plan. 

Visit to review the report and public feedback. 

General questions may be directed to Office of the CAO

If you have any questions or would like additional information on the Strategic Plan, contact Office of the CAO.

Contact Us

Township of Scugog

181 Perry Street

PO Box 780

Port Perry, ON L9L 1A7

905-985-7346 | Email Township of Scugog
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Contact Us

Township of Scugog
181 Perry Street
PO Box 780
Port Perry, ON L9L 1A7
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