Notice of Public Meeting - June 19, 2023 - ZBLA - 662 Townline Rd.

Application No: Z/01/2023
Related Application(s): Consent Application for a severance of a dwelling rendered suplus to a farm operation (LD 016/2023)
Roll No. : 1820 010 001 05900
Applicant/Agent: Miller Planning Services on behalf of M. & M. Tillaart
Location: 662 Townline Road (Part of Lots 7-8, Concession 1), Ward 1
The Council of the Township of Scugog has received an application to amend Zoning By-Law 14-14, on the lands shown on the attached key map.
The application is deemed complete.
Purpose and Effect of The Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment:
The purpose of the Zoning By-law Amendment is to rezone portions of the subject lands to facilitate the severance of a dwelling surplus to a farm operation and prohibit the creation of residential dwelling on the retained farm lot as a condition of a related consent application (File: LD 016/2023). The subject lands will be rezoned from Oak Ridges Moraine – Agricultural Exception Two (ORM-AG-2), Oak Ridges Moraine – Agricultural with a Holding Provision (ORM-AG(H)) and Oak Ridges Moraine – Environmental Protection (ORM-EP) to Oak Ridges Moraine – Agricultural Exception (ORM-AG-XX) Zone, to Oak Ridges Moraine – Agricultural Exception (ORM-AG-XX(H)) Zone with Holding provision, to Oak Ridges Moraine – Environmental Protection Exception (ORM-EP-XX) Zone, and to Oak Ridges Moraine – Rural Residential Exception (ORM-RR-XX) Zone.
Public Meeting:
The Council of the Township of Scugog is holding a Public Meeting to provide interested parties with the opportunity to learn more about the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment, make comments, and provide additional information relative to the proposed amendment before any decisions are made on the zoning application. This public meeting will be held on:
Monday, June 19, 2023, at 6:30 PM - Township of Scugog Municipal Office (Council Chambers on Upper Level), 181 Perry Street, Port Perry
In Person: Use the rear entrance located between the original building and the south wing and take the elevator or stairs to the 2nd floor. Parking is available at the rear of the building.
The Township offices and Council Chambers are a mask-friendly environment. For the public, wearing a mask will be optional. Please have respect for patrons and staff who continue to wear a mask. Please refrain from attending the meeting and visiting Township facilities if you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms.
Virtually: Residents can also participate electronically or watch the meeting live through the Township’s website at:
To watch the livestream or video recording of the meeting, click on the Planning and Community Affairs meeting on June 19, 2023, and select the HTML version of the agenda to follow along with the agenda and video recording at the same time. Please note that the livestream video will not be available until just before the meeting starts at 6:30 pm.
Please note that we cannot guarantee the exact time that this matter will be discussed as it will depend on the number of items on the meeting agenda and Committee’s consideration of preceding agenda items.
Members of the public wishing to address the Committee through electronic means rather than appear in person to make a delegation are required to submit their request to speak to this matter no later than 4:30 p.m. on June 16, 2023 by contacting the Office of the Township Clerk at with your full name, address and the item on the agenda. This will allow time for you to be added to the meeting.
Should you be unable to access a computer, please call 905-985-7346 ext. 118 to speak with a Staff Member in the Office of the Township Clerk.
Written comments can also be provided before or after the meeting to the Township planner on file noted below. For more information and/or to be notified of subsequent meetings or the decision of the Township of Scugog Council, please contact Township Planning Staff:
Valerie Hendry, MCIP, RPP,
Township of Scugog
181 Perry Street, Box 780
Port Perry, ON L9L 1A7
905-985-7346 x100 or
To Access the Report: Copies of the staff report for the public meeting will be available beginning on Friday, June 16, 2023 online at the following link: click on the Planning and Community Affairs meeting on June 16, 2023 and select the PDF version of the Agenda or by contacting the Township Contact shown above.
To Be Notified of the Decision: If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Township of Scugog on the proposed zoning by-law amendment, you must make a written request to the Office of the Township Clerk, Township of Scugog, 181 Perry Street, Port Perry, ON L9L 1A7.
To Appeal: If a person or public body would otherwise have an ability to appeal the decision of the Township of Scugog to the Ontario Land Tribunal but the person or public body does not make oral submissions at the public meeting or make written submissions to the Township of Scugog before the by-law is passed, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision.
If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Township of Scugog before the by-law is passed, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Land Tribunal, unless, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to do so.
For more information about this matter, including information about appeal rights, please contact the Township Contact as shown above.
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act: Information will be collected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. All comments will become part of the public record except for personal information.
Accessibility: The Township of Scugog is committed to providing services as set out in the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005. If you have accessibility needs and require alternate formats or other accommodations, please contact Township Clerk Services by telephone at 905-985-7346 or by email at
Dated at the Township of Scugog May 25, 2023.
Contact Us
Township of Scugog
181 Perry Street
PO Box 780
Port Perry, ON L9L 1A7
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