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Scugog May eNewsletter

Township of Scugog – Next Tax Installments due June 24 and September 24. Visit our Property Taxes page for more information

2024 Meeting Schedule, Proclamations and Appointments

  • General Purpose and Administration Committee: Monday, June 3 @ 1:30pm
  • Planning and Community Affairs Committee: Monday, June 17 @ 6:30pm
  • Council Meeting: Monday, June 24 @ 6:30pm

For all Council & Committee schedules, minutes and agendas, please visit Comments / questions regarding agenda items can be directed to the department (contact us on, or to our general email: or call 905-985-7346.


Scugog Releases Department Annual Reports for 2023

The Township of Scugog, under the leadership of Scugog Council, provides a wide variety of services, programs and project delivery work that impacts residents on a regular basis. A 2023 Annual Report highlighted the services and initiatives delivered to residents over the course of last year.

"The Township delivers services that directly affect residents on a regular basis. Residents often see the front facing services when a road is plowed, when they enroll in a recreation program, when a fire vehicle responds to an emergency, or when they use our roads, facilities, and parks,” reported Ken Nix, Scugog CAO. "However, each service you see requires a team of staff from various departments that supports the organization and ensures we continue to deliver quality services to the residents of Scugog."

Even though each department lead specific services, every service affects departments across the organization. Accomplishments were a result of collaboration and cooperation among departments and staff across the organization, and the leadership of Township Council.

As we celebrate the accomplishments of 2023, we will continue to work for our community and look forward to the accomplishments that 2024 will bring! For general inquiries about the annual reports, please email 

Annual reports can be found at


Durham Region Fire Departments Launch “Spring into Summer Safety” Campaign

Fire and Emergency Services in Durham Region and Kawartha Lakes have partnered with Enbridge Gas to promote Spring and Summer safety tips on local radio stations.

From May 3 to June 29, radio ads featuring representatives from Enbridge Gas and the team of public educators from the local fire services in Durham Region will promote the warm weather safety tips on KX96 New Country FM, 94.9 theRock, 107.7FM and 1580AM CKDO each weekend.

This year’s campaign will include the following fire services: Ajax, Brock, Clarington, Kawartha Lakes, Oshawa, Pickering, Scugog, Whitby and Uxbridge. The radio ads will promote fire safety messages to the residents of Durham region as well as the surrounding communities in Ontario. This partnership with Enbridge Gas will provide important safety information during a time of year when there’s typically an increase in fire-related emergencies.


At Enbridge Gas, safety underpins everything we do. We value the leadership and commitment to safety demonstrated by our Municipal Fire and Emergency Services in Durham Region, evident in the innovative safety programs they provide for the community. We’re proud to support these efforts, including the Spring into Summer Safety radio campaign.” - Steve McGivery, Director Operations Strategy & Transformation, Enbridge Gas Inc.

“Scugog Fire & Emergency Services is pleased to be a part of the Spring into Summer Safety radio campaign, which provides important safety messages on topics such as campfires, fireworks, and water safety. Thank you to Enbridge Gas for sponsoring this collaboration between the fire departments in Durham Region and Kawartha Lakes. We wish the families in the Township of Scugog a safe and enjoyable summer season.” - Kristy-Lynn Pankhurst, Community Outreach & Professional Development Officer, Scugog Fire & Emergency Services.


  • The Spring into Summer Safety campaign will air on Thursdays and Fridays from May 5 to July 1 on local radio stations: KX96 New Country FM, 94.9 the Rock, 107.7FM and 1580AM CKDO.

Learn more on our Fire and Emergency Services page.


Township Implements a New Online Permit Platform to Improve the Process for Road-Related Permits

The Township of Scugog has moved to a NEW online permit platform called Permit Central powered by Transnomis.

This new process will simplify getting road-related permits in the Township of Scugog. This new platform allows for simple revision and communication with the applicant directly in the platform, as well as online payment options.

Residents and businesses can now apply for permits, including Event in Right of Way, Municipal Consents, Work in Right-of-Way (Formerly Road Occupancy Permit, including seasonal patios), Oversize/Overweight (including Half Load Exemption) through the Permit Central platform.

The Township regulates work that occurs on or below municipal roads, sidewalks, and boulevards. A Right-of-Way permit approval will be required prior to the start of work.

Examples of work activities on the Township’s Right-of Way that require a permit include; entrance/driveway installation or modification, water or sewer connection to existing services, utility installation (with a Municipal Consent), oversize/overweight loads, utility repair and events. 

For more information about the Township of Scugog Road permits, visit our Road Permits page or contact our Public Works Department at or call 905-985-7346 ext 112. 

To create a Permit Central account, follow the link


Digital Access to Heritage Project 2023

The Scugog Shores Museum Village and Archives was the recipient of the Federal Government Digital Access to Heritage grant in 2023. Over the past year, staff have worked hard to begin digitizing the Museum and Archives Collection to be accessed and enjoyed online by residents, researchers, and history lovers all over the world.

As part of the project, the virtual exhibit, Leisure on the Lake, has been created and is available in both English and French. A virtual tour of the Museum Village, accompanied by an audio tour, is also available.

You can now view the Museum and Archives Collection online on Google Arts and Culture and VitaCollections. The Museum is pleased to share that this project has been very popular with over 12,000 views in the first month of public release (February, 2024). The project wrapped up March 25th, 2024, but staff will continue to digitize the collection and curate digital exhibits to share the history of the Scugog area. Please note at the time of publishing the VitaCollections server is down for maintenance but will return online.


Public Notices

Waterfront Action Plan: Water Street Rehabilitation Set to Start August 2024

The Township plans to start the rehabilitation of Water Street (from Scugog Street to Queen Street) on August 12, 2024. The scope of work for the Water Street project will include:

  • Removing the existing asphalt
  • Repairing the granular base
  • Repairing the sidewalk and curb
  • Repaving the road
  • Constructing a new sidewalk on the east side between Mary Street and Queen Street
  • Converting the angled parking to parallel parking to make space for the new sidewalk

During construction, vehicle and pedestrian access will be maintained to all businesses and parking lots, whenever possible. There may be short periods of time when vehicle access is not available.

Construction is expected to begin the first week of August 2024 and be completed by the end of November 2024.

We thank you for your patience during the construction. We understand that the work is disruptive and we will make every effort to complete the work as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Further information about the project including the scope and FAQs can be found at

For general roads inquiries, please email  

To report an issue after hours, please call 905-434-2173.


$70,000 in Sidewalk Repairs Underway in the Township of Scugog

Repairs are underway to improve sidewalks in the community. The condition of sidewalks in Scugog continues to be assessed throughout the year and priority repairs have been identified. Sidewalk assessments are an annual requirement with inspections happening regularly. Ongoing maintenance is conducted throughout the year including trip hazard removal and repair of sunken sidewalks. More significant repairs are prioritized in order of need.

Repair work will begin in May, weather permitting. A list of sidewalks scheduled for repair can be found at

For questions regarding sidewalk repair works, please email  


Notice of Passing of Development Charges By-Law 16-24

Take notice that the Council of the Township of Scugog passed Development Charges By-law 16-24 on April 29, 2024.

And take notice that any person or organization may appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) under section 14 of the Development Charges Act in respect of the Development Charges By-Law by filing with the Clerk of the Township on or before June 10, 2024, a notice of appeal setting out their objection to the By-law and the reasons supporting the objection. Appeals are to be filed with the Municipal Clerk at 181 Perry Street, Port Perry, Ontario L9L 1A7, and will be accepted on or before June 10, 2024. A processing fee is payable to the Township of Scugog with the appeal. The appellant is advised to contact OLT to access the required forms and applicable OLT fees.

The development charges are imposed against development and redevelopment to pay for capital costs for the following services: Library Services, Fire Services, Parks and Recreation, Services Related to a Highway: Public Works: Buildings and Fleet, Bylaw Enforcement and Court Services, Development Related Studies*, and Township Engineering (includes: Services related to a Highway and Storm Water Drainage and Control Services). The charges apply on a “per unit” basis for new residential development or redevelopment and on a “square metre” basis for new non-residential development or redevelopment. The charges are applied uniformly across the Township. A key map has not been provided as the municipal-wide charges apply to all lands located within the boundaries of the Township.

*Pending final approval of Bill 185

Schedules 1 and 2 set out the development charges imposed by the By-law. The charges will apply to all new residential and non-residential development subject to rules in the By-law that determine if a development charge is payable in any particular case and the amount of the charge.

The development charges imposed by the By-law will come into effect on May 28, 2024. Copies of the By-law are available for examination during regular business hours (weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) in the offices of the Township located at 181 Perry Street, Port Perry, Ontario L9L 1A7 and on the website at 

For further information, please contact the Clerk’s Office at (905) 985-7346, ext. 119 or email

Dated at the Township of Scugog, May 8, 2024

Ralph Walton, Clerk
The Township of Scugog
181 Perry Street, Port Perry, Ontario L9l 1A

Schedule 1
Development Charges Imposed by By-law 16-24
Residential Development Charges

Service Single & Semi-Detached Rows & Other Multiples Apartments
Library Services




Fire Services




Parks & Recreation




Services Related to a Highway:

Public Works: Building & Fleet




Bylaw Enforcement & Court Services




Development Related Studies*




Township Engineering




Total Development Charge Per Unit




*Pending final approval of Bill 185

Schedule 2
Development Charges Imposed by By-law 16-24
Non-Residential Development Charges


Industrial ($/m2)

Commercial ($/m2)

Institutional ($/m2)

Library Services




Fire Services




Parks & Recreation




Services Related to a Highway: Public Works: Buildings & Fleet




Bylaw Enforcement & Court Services




Development Related Studies*




Township Engineering




Total Development Charge




*Pending final approval of Bill 185


Geotechnical Investigations on Queen Street and Perry Street

Please be advised that geotechnical investigations required for the design to rehabilitate sections of downtown Port Perry will be taking place May 10, 11, and 17. This will result in the temporary unavailability of various parking spots for one to two hours at each borehole location in the project area. The project area is located on Queen Street from Water Street to Simcoe Street and on Perry Street from Queen Street to Mary Street. Drilling and Slug Testing will be performed within the roadway and there will be no impact on the sidewalks during this work.

For questions regarding this work, please email

Employment Opportunities

The following employment opportunities are available with the Township of Scugog!

  • Principal Planner (Permanent, Full-Time); posting closes Tuesday, June 4, at 4:30pm

Information about Township of Scugog employment opportunities can be found at

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